Wicker Furniture, Rattan processing and Equipment
Basically wicker furniture is woven art air base material rattan. Utilization mainly rattan furniture is as raw materials, such as chairs, coffee table and bookshelves. Rattan has several advantages than wood, such as light weight, strong, elastic / easy to set up, as well as cheap. The main drawback of rattan is prone to flea powder “Pin Hole”. Apart from rattan, wicker also use gray base material, camps, and synthetic rattan.
There are different kinds of wicker variations that exist now, the latest trend in wicker among others, used in a variety of situations, namely:
• Outdoor wicker conversation sets
• Outdoor wicker dinning sets
• Outdoor wicker tables
• Outdoors wicker chairs
• Indoor wicker furnitures
For desaign, rattan furniture products are usually made for the benefit of the room. Products that have been considered qualified include desk, chair, wardrobe. The product is already widely exported in various countries.
Many visitors from abroad who are interested in the grounds of rattan furniture of good quality, interesting, unique, and has its own hallmark. Rattan furniture is considered very useful because it has appeal for people who have high artistic soul. While cirri khan of cane itself is a form of small pieces of wicker and rattan base material, which is designed in such a way as to become an elite home products.
While synthetic rattan wicker which is the basic ingredient of elastic and strong and feels moist, thus withstand the wind. It is therefore often used as synthetic rattan needs of people around the beach because this kind of rattan trending able to withstand different type of weather that changes in every season.
Rattan processing
Rattan are used as industrial raw material finished products are rattan cane that has been through processing. Event processing is advanced workmanship of the round rattan (rattan) into semi-finished goods and finished goods or ready for use or sale.
Rattan processing stages are as follows:
1). Frying
The purpose is to lower pan of water to dry and also to prevent fungal attack. How to pan are pieces of rattan tied into a bundle, then put in a container that had been prepared with a mixture of diesel oil.
2). Scrubbing and washing
After rattan fried, drained a few minutes, then rubbed with patchwork (coconut fiber) or burlap mixed with sawdust, so that the remaining impurities, especially the sap that is still attached to the skin of the rattan can be released, so the skin becomes clean rattan and wicker color will be produced are colored bright and shiny.
3). Drying
After rattan washed and dried by the heat of the sun dried up dry with moisture content ranging from 15% – 19%. The results Basri and Karnasudirja (1987) in Jasni et al., (2005) on manau rattan (Calamus manan Miq.) And semambu rattan (Calamus scipionum Burr.), Indicating that the longer drying naturally from two species of rattan ranges from 22 days up to 65.3 days.
4). Stripping and policing
Stripping and policing generally done on a large wicker in a dry state, the point is to relieve the skin of rattan, so the diameter and the color becomes more uniform and equitable.
5). Fumigation
Fumigation carried out so that the color becomes yellow cane evenly and shiny. Fumigation carried out on dry cane which is still skinned (naturally) Fumigation is essentially a process of oxidation rattan with sulfur gas (SO2) that skin color becomes white cane. Curing time of about 12 hours and spent about 7.5 kg of sulfur, or 1.8 g / rattan sticks (Rachman 1990 in Jasni et al., 2005).
6). Preservation
Rattan preservation is the process of chemical or physical treatment of the cane which aims to improve the life of the cane. Besides berfugsi to prevent or minimize damage caused by oganisme destroyer wicker, rattan also extend the service life.
Preservatives used should be toxic to organisms destroyer both wet and rattan wicker dry, permanent rattan, safe in the transport and use, non-corrosive, available in large quantities and cheap.
7). Bending
Bending or sagging wicker rattan performed on large diameter according to its use. The way this is done by bending the rattan is softened with hot water vapor is called steaming with a cylindrical tube (steamer) for rattan tissue becomes soft and easy to bend.
The results (Jasni, 1992 in Jasni et al., 2005), indicating that the artisans in the domestic industry, the bending is done by directly heating the part to be bent on the fire (stove kerosene and LPG gas). Then the parts are bent with the aid of a cane bending the still hot. This method has several drawbacks, namely the process is slow and sometimes heated parts can be burned, so that colored black.
The tools are used in industry finished rattan products include: solder stove, electric drills, saws and the usual wicker, rattan shears, machetes, hammers, older brother and a hand crank. In addition, a small portion was used compressors, cutting machines, screw (fusil to punch) and taples. Production activities conducted in a building. Building a house is divided into a production process, the display of finished rattan products and places to stay.
Besides the use of the tools required in the production process, the availability of means of transport is a supporting factor for the success of business households finished rattan products industry. Means of transport used is a privately owned vehicles and public transport vehicles. Public transportation such as public transportation (public transportation), trucks and buses are always there all the time, while the privately owned vehicles of household entrepreneurs are mostly two-wheeled vehicles.